Monday, October 5

Bags for the People

Bags for the People is a great idea and if it works, there won't be any more plastic bags in the world. Anywhere. In an effort to curb plastic bag usage, three friends in New York, Megan, Glenn, and Kelly, began making re-usable bags from recycled clothing and fabric and gave them out for free at Union Square Farmers Market. The idea had legs and soon they had a website, lots of interests, and partners. They host bag making workshops for kids, the elderly, the crafty, and more. "Through bag making we show how activism can be fun and creative. We discuss environmental issues of why we do what we do and how making and using reusable bags is a healthy alternative to plastic." Kudos! You can write to request your own free bag here, download a free template, or send a donation.

1 comment:

lior frenkel said...

I'm into reusable bags myself. How can I meet these guys when I'm in new york?