Thursday, October 9

Cards at The Curiosity Shoppe

I'm a big fan of The Curiosity Shoppe-- they have great taste, carry lots of unique products, and have a love for the handmade. To that end, you can find these terrifically UPBEAT cards (who couldn't use one?) among their collection of letterpress, silkscreened, and Gocco-printed cards. Pictured are "Hey," You're Swell," and "DIY LCD Card."


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed browsing through this site. Besides them having some unique crafty stuff they also have fun. I do have to comment on their "cell phone headset" in the office section. I found it quite funny.check it out:

molly said...

funny, i just brought my cards and some one of a kind art work to them the other day... i love their shop!