Tuesday, August 14

marimekko 2007 catalog

This is great design. I got Marimekko's catalog yesterday and it's amazing how simple and powerful their designs are. I'm forever attracted to the bold, and their patterns convey energy, playfulness, and instant pop to me. Since 1951, this Finnish company has been an innovator and leader in textile design. It surprised me that many of their best sellers were originally created in the 1950s and 60s. They still look comtemporary. A few favorites above and online.


Anonymous said...

how can I order a Marimekko catalog and I didn't see anything on their website. Thx for the great collection of images/illustrations.

Anonymous said...

aditirc@gmail.com. Thx

Modern Craft said...

You can call their NY office (800-527-0624) to get a catalog, and if you want to see the newest fabrics, click here:


Contact them directly:
Kiitos Marimekko
1262 Third Avenue
Between 72nd and 73rd Streets
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (800) 527-0624